Exciting design and testing project to support people living with dementia in their own homes—from Luto and the Dementia Trust
During our 2023 Disruption Awards Programme, the Charity Trustees agreed to fund an innovative product to support people with dementia and their carers who are living in their own homes.
Professor June Andrews, dementia expert and one of the Advisor’s for the Dementia Trust checked in with the team earlier this year to find out more about the project and how it is going.
Wayne Middleton, the CEO of Luto Research said:
“Luto is a communications agency that specialises in creating clear and comprehensible medical information for patients. Our goal is to simplify complex medical data, making it accessible and understandable. This includes everything from the leaflets that come with your medication to instructions for medical devices used at home.”
He went onto to say:
“We work on a variety of home use devices, such as diabetes injectors. Our team ensures that the instructions are clear and easy to follow, enhancing patient safety and usability.”
The Luto Project and Its Significance
Wayne Middleton
CEO, Luto Research
Luto’s work is fundamentally about improving communication in healthcare. For people with dementia and their carers, this mission is particularly critical. Dementia gradually impairs cognitive functions, making it increasingly difficult for many people living with dementia to understand medical instructions, which are often complex and filled with jargon.
This complexity can lead to serious health risks, such as medication errors and improper use of medical devices.
Luto addresses these challenges by transforming complex medical information into clear, concise, and understandable content. This includes everything from the leaflets found in medication boxes to detailed instructions for home medical devices like diabetes injectors. By making this information more accessible, Luto empowers dementia patients to better manage their health and treatments.
What is their idea that engaged to the Dementia Trust, Trustees?
Wayne Middleton, Luto CEO: “What we will pilot in the next stage of the project is a digital whiteboard.
Something that can sit in somebody's home and their friends, carers, the people looking after them and supporting them can send messages to that screen. The principle is to keep things simple and not overcomplicate things and as a result the project is currently in testing phase with people with dementia and their carers.
Rachel Bell, Luto team member said:
“By piloting our idea in people's homes, we will get real life feedback. We are experts in designing information and technologies for patients and users in their own homes. Real people tell you exactly what they want. When you set out and you design something, what you end up with is probably something that looks quite different to the original.”
Impact on people with dementia and their carers
The potential impact of Luto’s work on dementia patients and their families from this project could be profound.
Here’s how:
Enhanced Comprehension and Compliance:
By simplifying medical information, Luto ensures that people with dementia can better understand their treatment plans and medication instructions. This clarity can lead to higher compliance rates, which is crucial for effective disease management.
Increased Independence:
Clear instructions help people with dementia perform daily health-related tasks more independently. This can significantly enhance their quality of life and reduce their reliance on caregivers for routine activities.
What about carers?
For carers, deciphering medical information can be a daunting task. Luto’s user-friendly materials reduce this burden, allowing caregivers to provide better support and reducing their stress and anxiety.
Improved Safety for all concerned:
Ensuring that medical instructions are easy to follow directly impacts safety. Misunderstandings can lead to potentially dangerous mistakes, such as incorrect medication dosages or misuse of medical devices. Luto’s clear communication mitigates these risks.
Empowerment Through Knowledge:
Clear, accessible information empowers people with dementia and their carers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health. This empowerment can improve overall health outcomes and enhance the patient’s sense of control over their condition.
Luto and the Disruption Award
The Dementia Trust’s disruption awards are designed to foster innovation in dementia care. Luto’s application for this award highlights their dedication to improving the lives of dementia patients through better communication.
Looking ahead, the collaboration between Luto and the Dementia Trust holds great promise. By combining our expertise and resources, we can drive significant improvements in how medical information is communicated to dementia patients. We hope this inspires other individuals, groups, organisations and partnerships to apply for a Disruption Award and help to make change happen.
We at the Dementia Trust are thrilled to support such a transformative initiative as the Luto project and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the dementia community.