We need to talk about dementia
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GP Dr Vicky Fakhoury knows that it is hard to persuade someone to ask their doctor if they might have dementia, but it is really important.
GP Vicky Fakhoury says the sooner you start treatment, the more options you will have, and the better the potential outcomes.
GP Vicky Fakhoury describes what happens at the memory clinic.
GP Dr Vicky Fakhoury recommends bringing a family member or friend with you for the first visit to the GP
GP Dr Vicky Fakhoury talks about what happens when you visit the GP to talk about dementia, and the sort of tests they will arrange.
Dr Cesar Rodriguez talks about what happens at the first hospital appointment.
Dr Cesar Rodriguez talks about the CT scan, or MRI scan that might be offered.
Professor June Andrews talks about the need to stay well for as long as possible
Dr Vicky Fakhoury talks about what your GP can do for you after your diagnosis.
Dr Rodriguez talks about why the doctors are unlikely to send you for repeated scans, although a scan can be very useful at the start to get a picture of what is causing the problem in the first place.